The Lotus foot and female misshapenness
I recently blogged about seeing a picture of a Japanese woman’s bound feet on my Yahoo! page. However, as I started to think on this image, it evoked for me the question about the degree to which it is a metaphor of women in our society and particularly within the Church. I realize that the point I’m making is not a new one, but I thought that perhaps the visual aid we have here might at least be an occasion to think about the matter further.
Take a close look at the image (right) and note just how bizarre it looks to see her toes wrapped around and under her feet like that. Even now when I look at it, I still think it’s her hand holding her foot. In other words, her foot is so horribly contorted into a fundamentally unnatural position that it’s hard to process the image accurately because it no longer looks like a normal foot.

It’s very easy for us to think that the bound foot thing is so “obviously” unnatural, and how we could never conceive of doing such a thing. Yet there are people for whom it is normal. And there was a time in Japanese history when the practice was considered as an achievement of the culture’s ideals.
What the bound foot should expose to us is that it is often normal to assume the unnatural is normal. Just because we assume a degree of normalcy with the way women currently operate in our contemporary environments, even if it appears to be healthy and with little complaint, doesn’t make it automatically in harmony with the divine order of things. Take a look at the foot again and note that some people think this is okay and normal because that’s just traditionally the case.
So isn’t it not only possible but likely that even expectations of women in our society, traditional expectations, require a woman to contort herself and subject herself to social or emotional misshapenness, in order to fit the traditional ideals and norms. I think so. I also think that within the Church in particular, there is a gross and deliberate distortion of women brought on by early social and emotional binding practices.
I was talking to one woman friend recently who was taking one of my classes. She remarked that she didn’t feel like she had that much to say in class. I happened to know that this was completely erroneous and that she did in fact have a lot to contribute (seriously and in a technical way). But what was happening was that she noted that the male students appeared to speak with such confidence and assumed that they must have more to say, since she wasn’t going to speak with such confidence. My argument to her was that as a female growing up in the non-urban Midwestern USA she had been conditioned to assume that she really didn’t have that much to contribute but that men did. By contrast, I noted that within the class the male students really did assume that they had a freedom to assume confidence in what they had to say. Both I thought were the products of social conditioning, since it wasn’t the case that everything the men said should have been said with confidence, and vice versa.
So now, having seen this woman’s bound foot, I rethink this experience in terms of social and emotional or psychological misshapenness. The image is for me a tangible metaphor of the sad reality of women in our society . . . still. It’s all the worse that much of this misshapenness is brought on as an attempt to seek the divine ideal within the Church.
I have also noticed the in class situation that you described. I'm sure we can both think of a few people who we wished did not speak in class. Nevertheless I will now be checking back regularly, waiting for a comment that quotes 1 Timothy.
Well, I would just point to the first three rules of biblical interpretation: context, context context: I think Paul was working within the contorted realities of his day when he wrote such sentiments. Gal 3, by contrast, is an attempt to clarify the divine ideal: no male or female, slave nor free, Jew nor Gentile. What a peacenik!
as a new reader to your blog, i really enjoyed this, and as much as i'd never like to admit it, the culture of women remaining "shy" or in reality, not speaking up at all is very true. maybe that is why i never speak up in class....hmmm.
I've been out of this non-urban Midwestern Christian world for a while, so somebody clue me in. Is it that women there being made to be & feel 'shy', or are they institutionally 'silenced'?
I think that institutionalization is the tendency of all groups (as per basic sociology). I wonder then whether we can draw much of a distinction between being made to "feel shy" as a product of one's sociological environment and being institutionally silenced. Or rather, a point I'm suggesting in the blog is that there is no real distinction here.
I think that a lot of the differences between men and women in society are innate to gender (brain structure, hormones, etc.). But I also think that many of them are engendered through social forces (for good or ill). The perennial question is where one begins and the other ends.
Well, I think there is a potential difference in how to approach (&/or remedy) the problem. A culture of shyness, institutional or not, can be dealt with on an individual basis -- through mentorship, etc. It is much more difficult, though, for this kind of solution to be much help when the institution itself 'consciously' silences somebody. (If not 'consciously', we might say 'structurally' -- meaning that the silence/shyness imposed is regarded as fundamental to an organization's existence.) No amount of motivation will do much, beyond making the one silenced realize the futility of their situation & have them bolt for the door. Which is not necessarily a bad thing either. At that point, the primary appeal must be directed internally, to the body itself.
I just deleted a very long response in favor of this one: I agree, but I worry about the practical possibility of the remedies.
My own experience as a college prof has shown me so many young women who are so forged by their social development so as not only to assume the legitimacy of their subordinate and misshapen status, but to vigorously defend it.
Allow me to make another point here for other readers: this is not a conversation about how some benevolent men are patronizing enlightened women. Men experience and are malformed by the same sort of forces women do. I just think that the social forces on women lead to a greater degree of misshapenness, and that much of that comes from the social malformation of the male psyche. The number of young men I meet or have in class who have outrageous assumptions about the value of women in society is very disturbing.
Oh the extravagant luxury of being the overly self-indulgent outspoken male of the class. At least I have the slim consolation that I was raised to be such by my rural midwestern society. Move over Spartans, the über mensch of Central Ohio is here. I was trained to be an arrogant bastard from birth!
The more that I think about this, the more I am convinced that there is only a very limited scope to the sort of silencing taking place here. Indeed, I do not believe that the particuar culture producing the sort of effect you notice here is at all geopgraphical. Rather, it pertains only to a specific type of church environment that discredits female voices from theological discussions and these environments are found around the world and across religions.
Allow me to explain: I've had the opportunity of teaching several courses of College English and Literature this semester. During this experience I've learned to count on the impetuousness of the female spirit for fostering class discussions. Indeed, while a relative balance exists between the comparative capabilities of the sexes, it leans slightly towards the females if anything. It is certainly not evidence of the broad scale of "silence" which is being claimed here.
So then, is there a tangible difference between traditional academic courses and theologically oriented ones? In my four years at CCU I have found none although I do recognize that this disparity does exist in other particular religious settings. Again, if anything find young women more likely to invlolve themselves in a theological discussion (and with confidence!).
In the end, I'm not sure that the phenomenon to which you refer isn't just that, phenomenal, or at least unusual. I am sure that one could find similar numbers of intelligent and opinionated males who are too intimidated to speak up in class themselves and no insidious assumptions concerning gender would be offered.
Everyone experiences one or more form of self-doubt or lack of confidence. It seems that these doubts are typically misplaced and yet always harmful to the individuals emotional/psychological and social health. It so happens that some experiences self doubt which inhibits them in the classroom. Yes this is an issue that, as Brad has pointed out, is best dealt with individually as the problem does seem to be with the individual and not a particular dysfunctional social apparatus.
Note that I’m not the one making this claim; I’m just offering another metaphor for thinking about what countless others have already well demonstrated. But I do note the ease with which you dismiss the issue and wonder if the dismissal is indicative of the cultural forces that condition you as a man to notices and “count on” the "impetuousness" of women in class conversation.
Byran D, my friend, you seem to be defending something: recall your statement:
"Oh the extravagant luxury of being the overly self-indulgent outspoken male of the class."
Does that not smack of just a little defensiveness? But against what? A simple claim that many women in society are socially and psychologically conditioned in ways that prevent an equality of social development? Why would noting this well-worn and consistently demonstrated fact be a problem? Is it that you don't want it to be a problem?
On the matter of geography I wouldn't limit this problem to geography, but I'll say that the more rural one gets, the more likely it's the case (based on my own experience and the trends of Western history since the first century).
I'm surprised that you think this is a minor issue and not a pervasive reality in American society.
Here are six million women who disagree for starters: the DART center suggests that on average six million American women are beaten by their husbands or boyfriends each year.
Here are four thousand women who would like to disagree with you but due to unforeseen circumstances cannot: the Dart center reports four thousand women are beaten to death each year by their husbands or boyfriends.
That's just the beatings. Don't you think that with such a tangible manifestation there might just be a broad and insidious (i.e., quiet and not seen) set of forces at work in society which give rise to and enable these beatings?
As to your college experience: I contrast my experience in the college classroom to yours: it has been that in general women are FAR less likely to engage in public theological discussions, so I'll have to respectfully disagree with you there. But clearly I don't think this is a blanket statement.
I also find that when male students are confronted with such ideas that the usual response is indignation and then followed up with defensive hermeneutics (of the Bible or culture), which is to say that the response is usually an emotional one. Something I find ironic.
Finally, note that Brad raised the issue of "shyness," and he did so as a question and not a summary. Shyness is not a factor here in what I'm suggesting. I'm a shy person, but shyness doesn't have anything to do with how one perceives one's role in society, it's about how one perceives the need to communicate his/her inner thought life to the world around him/her. Shy people often have a high view of their role in society and look down on the non-shy.
What out those impetuous women don’t get you . . . you know what they’re like . . . all outspoken and everything. Who do they think they are!
Ah, just a little fun there. Thanks for stopping by, Bryan. You've made the conversation a lot more interesting.
Defensive? I can't imagine what I would be defending. Although I suppose my origins are as inexcusable to some as they are inescapable to myself. Had I been Bryanna, though, I suspect that defensiveness would have still been the charge as I attempted to stand up for the viability of contemporary females in the classroom.
If my criticism seems overly suspicious, it is only because I was taught by those such as yourself to be wary of the assumptions of the majority or consensus opinion. This puts me in a sticky situation as my immediate context is dominated by one consensus of what could easily designated as the most basic mysogynism, but my wider context (and the one I more routinely view myself as a part of) maintains an unnatural standard of genderlessness which it fancies egalitarianism.
I wouldn't want to be mistaken as thinking that the wide scale (mis)treatment of women in "the" church. I don't think it's a small problem, I think it's a big problem. I also think that it's a problem that extends further than the church and into wider society.
I'm not convinced that education is one of the areas particularly influenced by sexist power structures. At least not through the undergraduate level. These levels are dominated by the superior performances and achievements of females (and no, I am not bitter). As you yourself have noted, almost most valedectorians at CCU are females. I recall that in high school I was the only male in the top ten of my class. Beyond that, it seems to be the case that males have still dominated academic positions through the last half-century.
Some would say that this a classic example of the glass ceilling effect. Unsubstantiated, however, this assumption might be hasty. What if it actually was the case, for instance, that Nature dictated that more females would rather teach at lower levels (thus putting themselves into contact with children) than higher? Of course, there could be still institutional predjudice involved, but one should not underestimate the tow that Nature itself has on society as well as individuals. I realize that that will not be a popular statement, but I don't see why it should be seen as unreasonable.
Whatever the actual relationship between Nature and society as far as the institutionalization of power structures is, I do not believe that they are the main players in producing the effect under discussion—a claim that would have females raised in rural, "conservative" environments being conditioned not to participate in theological discussions. Again, I think the difficulties encountered here are primarily personal, which is not to lessen them but rather to individualize them. There will be no way to speak about "fixing" this problem becuase the problem itself is so nebulous that it is useless to address other than on a case-to-case basis.
One more interesting observation: Most of the same students who will not engage in theological structures in class will eagerly do so among their peers (even if that peerage happens to be statistically dominated by males, as is often the case with bibs. studies majors).
This would seem to mean that—again, this is anything but 'hard evidence,' but then again we don't exactly have a team of sociological researchers at our disposal—students are more afraid of potentially embarassing themselves in front of peers outside of their aquaintance or the instructor his/herself. Certainly St. Jamie will be familiar with this effect, having witnessed the tears of students on several occasions if I remember correctly. Certainly you would admit the possibility that some of these "silenced" female students would not and are not such in classes or under professors with which they are more comfortable, regardless of subject matter.
This is significant, though, because it reveals that the stigma itself is not on theological discussion altogether (which would be the case if the conditioning of these individuals was as pervasive or insidious as what is suggested here), but somewhere else.
Again, I estimate that this sort of behaviour is almost always related to psychological issues rather than sociological. Does society play a part in distorting individuals this way? I suppose it does. But at least in this particular case I do not believe that it is related to sex roles as projected by any sort of community.
Of course, it could all be determined by how an individual regards an institution of theological education. If one regards it as primarily academic in function and structure, then academic power structures (fairly egalitarian in their organization) rule. However, I'm sure there are those for whom the academic institution is a direct extension of an abusive church. Yet, it is my claim that these cases are exceptional.
Firstly, my use of 'shyness' was directly related to the comment by Readyever.
Second, I believe a quick perusal of most Religious Studies or Theology departmental websites would indicate a nagging disparity in representation. (And let's not even get into representation in church leadership -- though this is changing in the denominations.) For my part, I know I was quited ashamed when I realized, after submitting my doctoral thesis that I'd only cited maybe three women in the entire document. Three, in a document w/ a 25+-page bibliography.
'quited ashamed' -- my Borat imitation there.
Now we are getting into the very discussed issue of gender roles. Most social psychologist would agree that in fact there is a problem in present society and gender roles in academic settings. Let me illustrate this, these are the title of the awards of many preschools, for boys: "Very Best Thinker", "Most Eager Learner", "Most Imaginative","Most Eenthusiastic", "Most Scientific", "Best Friend", "Hardest Worker"; on the other hand for girls: "All-Around Sweetheart", "Sweetest Personality", "Cutest Personality", "Best Sharer", "Best Artist" and "Biggest Heart". I hope we can obviously see how disturbing is this picture . In actuality many institutions have recognized this problem and are making efforts to encourage equality among genders. However, I see more and more how in Christian institutions we tend to dismiss this problem by saying that in fact is not a problem but is just the way female personality is. There is when it comes to my mind the picture of the "lotus foot" when misshapenness becomes the norm.
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